3 Ingredient Avocado Brownies

3 Ingredient Avocado Brownies

Satisfy sweet cravings guilt-free with easy fudgy 3-ingredient avocado brownies . A wholesome twist on traditional favorites. Healthy brownies with simple ingredients.

Ingredients you'll need:

Optional:Dark chocolate chips and baking soda

avocado cacao powder coconut sugar

Combine the mashed avocado and coconut sugar.

Add the cocoa powder, and baking soda if using.

Mix until combined.

If you're feeling extra chocolatey, fold in optional dark chocolate chips.

Pour brownie batter into the prepared pan, spreading evenly. Bake for 20 minutes.

Cool brownies in pan for 10 minutes, lift out using the parchment paper overhang and transfer to wire rack to cool completely.

These easy-to-make healthy brownies are flourless, grain-free, dairy-free, nut-free, refined sugar-free, vegan and Paleo friendly.


Enjoy a delicious healthy guilt-free treat!